Unbreakable Cosmetic Partial Denture in Auckland

We are Getting some amazing high aesthetic results with our new TCS Unbreakable Denture Resins. The Denture is made from a flexible Nylon hybrid material. This means that the Denture base can take the strain and impact of dropping or a harder bite and absorb that stress. The Denture is also partially translucent allowing some…

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Full Upper and Lower Immediate Dentures

Full Upper and lower immediate dentures to replace all natural teeth with dentures.

Immediate dentures are used to replace missing gums, bone and teeth at the same time as extractions. We measure and make dentures in house at Designer Dentures and make sure that they look good. This gentleman hadn’t been to see a dentist since he was in Intermediate School where he had a traumatic experience. He…

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Laser Sintered Chrome Cobalt Partial Dentures

CAD Denture made on computer using digital dentistry for a Chrome Cobalt Metal Partial Denture made in Auckland Papatoetoe Manukau region

We are leading the way in the technology space of Dental Technology by implementing the Laser Sintered Chrome Cobalt Partial Metal Denture frameworks. We measure each patient in house and come up with the best possible tooth setting for the patient by listening to their needs as well as considering the look they want for…

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Partial Denture Difference at Designer Dentures Papatoetoe

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Partial Dentures are a great way to replace some missing teeth as they blend in with the remaining natural teeth in color, size and shape. This is Matagi and we really appreciate him being brave enough to model the difference before/after his Partial Denture was fitted. Matagi was gifted the Partial Denture by his uncle…

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Denture Prevents Gastric Reflux by Aiding in Proper Digestion

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Dentures aid in Gastric Reflux Prevention by proper digestion.This is Yvonne smiling because of how happy she is with her new Full upper & lower dentures. Yvonne’s last set of Dentures had no contact on the back teeth and Yvonne has had difficulty eating properly for quite some time; as a result she has had…

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South Auckland Partial Denture gives a Younger Looking Smile

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South Auckland Partial Denture gives a younger looking smile to this very happy mother. After having her last Denture made in the Cook Islands and having it repaired by me we discussed the benefits of a Thermosens Flexible Denture. We mentioned how the Thermosens Denture is Unbreakable and so can be shaped rather thin as…

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The Cost of Dentures made of Quality Materials in Papatoetoe

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The Cost of Dentures has always been subject to many different things when asked. It mostly depends on the time required for the construction as well as the materials required for you to get the best results. That is why we offer a FREE Consultation all of the time so that your Dental Prosthetist; Khush…

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Unbreakable Denture & Allergy Free Denture in Auckland

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Unbreakable Dentures and also Allergy Free Dentures are a great option for very obvious reasons. There are currently only 12 practices in New Zealand that make Thermosens Dentures and we are very proud to offer the latest in this technology. We get calls each week for Denture Repairs that occur in all sorts of ways…

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Affordable Dentures Made for Quality & Long Lasting Comfort

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Affordable Denture services are another thing that we pride ourselves on at Designer Dentures. We offer great quality smiles and superb hand crafted Dentures without a huge price tag. As a family business we believe in looking after our customers and earning blessings before money. Allot of people are scared away from Dentistry because of…

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